Become a Member

Benefits of Membership

  • Receive FCCA's bimonthly digital newsletters with information about FCCA and area activities, upcoming art shows, workshops, classes & more
  • Option to receive print version of FCCA's bimonthly newsletters
  • Receive email updates and announcements of monthly shows and invitations to First Friday opening receptions
  • Discounts on entry fees for juried exhibits
  • 10% discount on art purchases in the Frederick and Members' Galleries
  • Members receive discount on classes
  • Exhibit paintings in the Members' Gallery holiday art show with no entry fee or jury process
  • Eligible to apply to be juried for a solo or two-person month-long exhibit in the Members' Gallery
  • Use of FCCA's credit card machine (FCCA Credit Card Machine Policy)

FCCA Bylaws

Membership form:  If you prefer to mail in your membership application, please print and complete. To join online, please complete and submit the form below.

FCCA membership fees are tax deductible. These fees are used to enrich cultural awareness in the Fredericksburg area. Your membership fees provide operating funds used for juried art exhibits, community education activities and building maintenance.

FCCA Membership Form

