March 2024 Members’ Gallery Trio Exhibition: David Boyd, Judy LaFratta, Dorothy Stout

On Display March 30 - April 26

David Boyd took his first photographs with a box camera when he was barely six years old and has been taking pictures ever since. He even carried a small camera in Vietnam.

Now that he is retired – from the US Army and the Federal Civil Service, he has more time to look for that elusive perfect photo. He is particularly interested in the beauty and mystery of nature.

He has published numerous photos in various magazines in the US and England and has shown his work in several galleries.

On the Train to the Front
On the Train to the Front
Hanging Hot
Hanging Hot

Judy LaFratta is a graduate of the University of Mary Washington (MWC ’87) and has lived in the Fredericksburg area since, working full time for the Navy in Dahlgren.

Her interest in photography increased with the gift of her first digital camera and her first Nikon DSLR camera purchase. She is a hobbyist, initially capturing the action with her daughter’s softball travel team and her son’s soccer and cross-country matches. She loves to walk around the Fredericksburg area, always looking for moments to capture.

Initially as a member of the Fredericksburg Photography Club and now President for four years, she has continued to expand her knowledge of techniques and composition, always looking for ways to improve. This collection is from local spots, experiences and travels from the East to West coast.

Dorothy Stout is a seasoned photographer whose passion for capturing the beauty of the world has spanned over three decades. Armed with her trusted Nikon cameras, Dorothy has journeyed through various landscapes, from bustling cityscapes to serene natural vistas, in pursuit of the perfect shot.

In her photography, she seeks to capture the timeless beauty and intricate details of antique cars, vehicles that embody an era of craftsmanship and design that are often overlooked in today's world.

With over three decades of experience behind the lens of her Nikon cameras, she has honed my ability to frame moments that convey the essence of these automotive treasures.