
Love the “Silversmith House” on February 14

Love the Silversmith House

FCCA volunteer members will conduct the 4th annual Love the Silversmith House” phone fund raiser from FCCA on Wednesday, February 14th.

Please answer your phone and help us to Love the “Silversmith House” on February 14th. We will be gladly accepting walk-in donations of cash, check or charge, in addition to mailed donations, and donations through our website homepage donation button, or pledges with other means of payment. 

The “Silversmith House” c. 1785, has withstood the past 232 years, and we hope to preserve it for future generations as the place “where art and history meet”.  Please open your heart and your purse for FCCA on February 14th. Funds from this year will benefit the wall repairs to Frederick Gallery and towards a gallery lighting system.

P.S. Donations of materials and labor by certified technicians are always welcome as gifts-in-kind. All donations are tax deductible.

FCCA Booth at Caledon Festival!

The FCCA participated at the Caledon Art & Wine Festival on November 4 & 5 with 9 artists volunteering & contributing art for sales. Art demo by Megan Crockett, red dot sales throughout the weekend, portion of the proceeds of the art sales benefited Friends of Caledon State Park & FCCA. Special thanks to our artists and volunteers who participated! See you again next year! Smiles, Laura & Megan: Co-Chairs of the FCCA booth for Caledon Art & Wine Festival 2017.

Photos courtesy of Laura Smiles Photography LLC


Heads Up: Members’ Holiday Show


The Holidays are just around the corner and so is the annual FCCA Members Gallery Holiday Show!

The show is open to all members. There are no entry fees and it is not juried. Bring your fine arts, fine crafts, jewelry and cards to the gallery on Nov. 25. Hanging art is limited to 3 pieces. All items are for sale. What a great opportunity to sell your works.

Youth Art Program Creates Dixon Pool Mural….

The Youth Art Program with the finished Dixon Park Pool. Photo includes teacher Adrian and Hazel Hill’s Community Coordinator. 

The Dixon Park Pool Mural is completed and it is amazing. Thanks so much to our teachers, volunteers, and the Fredericksburg Arts Commission for the grant to accomplish this goal with the FCCA Youth Art Program.

Thanks to FCCA Member Sheila Jones  for documenting the progress with photos for us throughout the week.


Art First presents donation to FCCA Youth Art Program

  Art First presents check to Youth Art Program

FCCA’s June First Friday included a presentation of a gift from Art First for FCCA’s Youth Art Program.

It is through donations, such as this, and grants that keep the Youth Art Program running. Want to make a donation to this program? Contact FCCA’s President.

Special thanks to David Kennedy for the photos.

FCCA Artists part of VMRC Exhibit in Harrisonburg

Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts artists artwork in Harrisonburg show
Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts is pleased to announce six FCCA members will have artwork featured in the 14th Annual VMRC Art Exhibition in Harrisonburg, Virginia. According to an email from VMRC, “there were a total of 205 artists hailing from 30 states…which means less than half of this year’s submitting artist and an exclusive 18% of the submitted works will be displayed” in the 100 piece exhibit.

The artists chosen are Lee Cochrane, Dawn Whitmore, Penny Parrish, Robert S. Hunter, Norma Woodward, and Teresa Blatt. The show will be hosting an Artist Award Reception on June 4th from 2pm-4pm at the VMRC Park Gables Gallery. The show will run until June 30th. A preview of the entire show can be seen by visiting:

Click to access 2017%20Juried%20Art%20Exhibition%20-%20Preview.pdf

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship program

Accepting applications summer 2017!

The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship program is a vital source of funding for the visual arts and art history in Virginia.  VMFA is committed to supporting professional artists and art students who demonstrate exceptional creative ability in their chosen discipline and, as such has awarded nearly $5.5 million to Virginia’s artists since the program’s creation more than 75 years ago.

The VMFA Fellowship program was established in 1940 through a generous contribution made by the late John Lee Pratt of Fredericksburg, Virginia.  Offered through VMFA Statewide, Fellowships are still largely funded through the Pratt endowment, and supplemented by annual gifts from the Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation and the J. Warwick McClintic, Jr. Scholarship Fund.  The Fellowship program has a long and established history of supporting Virginia’s artistic talent and has helped to further the careers and studies of many distinguished individuals, including recent recipients Brian Davis of Springfield, Matt Eich of Charlottesville, and Aimee Joyaux of Petersburg.

VMFA offers $8,000 awards to professional artists, $6,000 awards to graduate students, and $4,000 awards to undergraduate students.  Applicants may apply in the disciplines of Crafts, Drawing, Film/Video, Mixed Media, New/Emerging Media, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Art History (graduate students only).  All applicants must be legal residents of Virginia and student applicants must be enrolled full-time in degree-seeking programs. Applicants’ works are reviewed anonymously by distinguished jurors and awards are made based on artistic merit.  The deadline for Fellowship applications is 5pm Friday, November 3, 2017.

We ask that you please encourage interested students and professional artists to apply. Full eligibility criteria, can be found at  Visit this page during the summer of 2017 for information on how to apply for a 2018-19 VMFA Fellowship.

Caledon State Park and FCCA will host 2017 “Seurat Sunday” September 24

The Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts (FCCA) will continue its annual tradition of sponsoring Seurat Sunday with an all-day plein air painting and photography event on September 24, at Caledon State Park, 16617 Caledon Road, King George, VA. The event will begin at 9 am at the Caledon Visitors Center with artists loading their gear onto a flatbed wagon for transport to scenic areas along the trails, marshes and beaches.   Artists are invited to spend the day at their preferred locations or move about the park seeking photo opportunities where they will find nature’s best vistas and views of graceful white egrets in flight.  The transport wagon will return every hour to each location.  After a day of capturing visual images, the participants will return to the Visitors Center for a show of their day’s work and light refreshments provided by the Friends of Caledon.  Rain date is October 1.

The Seurat Sunday event has long been a tradition in the region, dating back to the late 1970s.  Started by the Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts in cooperation with Belmont and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Seurat Sunday is named for the French Post-impressionist painter, Georges Seurat (1859-1891), best known for his landscape painting, “A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte” of the Art Institute of Chicago.  FCCA is proud to partner with Caledon State Park and its staff to offer this unique art event each year.  Registration required by Friday, September 22.  Phone Caledon Visitor Center at 540-663-3861 and leave your name, contact information and number in your party. 

For additional information contact Carrol Morgan at [email protected] or phone 540-760-6928.

Scenic view at Caledon State Park.